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Center Director

Milwaukee, WI, USA

Job Type

Job Type

Job Description

The director oversees the daily operations of a child care center in accordance with state licensing requirements and regulations. The director administers recruiting and staffing processes provides training and professional development for staff, oversees enrollment activities, communications, and events that foster positive relations with families and the community. Additionally, the director ensures that the activities and surroundings meet the needs of the children and provide safety and security. The director reports to the owner.

Key Responsibilities and Duties

  • Manage day-to-day operations.

  • Prepare licensing renewal materials.

  • Conform to health, safety, and licensing regulations.

  • Keep records that pertain to the administration of the center.

  • Choose curriculum.

  • Evaluate own work as a director.

  • Plan and implement a program for professional growth.

  • Oversee enrichment activities and initiatives in each classroom.

  • Keep abreast of research and new developments in the field of early childhood education.

  • Play an active role in the program.

  • Supervise the management of classroom schedules.

  • Supervise the use of classroom space and equipment.

  • Supervise the responsibilities of the teaching staff.

Fiscal Responsibilities

  • Operate the center within the budget.

  • Collect and record enrollment paperwork.

  • Provide invoices/statements to enrolled families.


  • Interview, hire, and onboard all new staff

  • Observe staff during the initial probationary period to determine if employment will be continued.

  • Maintain a current file of substitute help.

  • Preside over staff meetings.

  • Plan and implement annual training programs for the staff.

  • Assist the staff (as needed) in preparing daily, weekly, and yearly program plans that align with the center curriculum.

  • Assist the staff in developing a workable plan for using the indoor and outdoor space.

  • Plan and implement procedures that lead to wholesome interpersonal relationships between staff members.

  • Cultivating an enjoyable and pleasant work culture.

  • Assist staff in planning individual programs for professional growth and career development.

  • Update staff handbook as needed.

  • Maintain personnel records.


  • Be a contact for prospective children and parents, arrange tours, as needed.

  • Familiarize parents of newly enrolled children with the center's policies.

  • Be alert to enrollment needs at all times.

  • Prepare and update all registration materials on a yearly basis.


  • Maintain an active system of parent and center relationships.

  • Prepare and distribute, to parents, information about classroom visits and the first days of child care.

  • Communicate with parents in a wide variety of ways.

  • Assimilate information from teachers to create a monthly newsletter for parents.

  • Conduct parent meetings when necessary.

  • Plan and implement parent & teacher conferences

Health & Safety

  • Keep health history records and immunization records for children, update annually or as needed.

  • Maintain a referral system for children who have special needs.

  • Maintain records and documentation of basic first aid and CPR certification.

  • Implement a program of playground safety.

  • Assist staff to plan, conduct, and document fire/tornado drills/ lock-down drills.

  • Maintain a written record of accidents, injuries, emergencies, and incidents.

  • Supervise medicine disbursement.

  • Follow mandatory reporting laws and maintain appropriate documentation.


  • Plan and implement a marketing strategy to promote awareness of the facility and its services.


Additional Knowledge, Skills, and Experience Required

  • Minimum age of 21.

  • Minimum of 3 years of professional child care experience.

  • Sound knowledge of local, state, and federal child care legislation.

  • Excellent oral and written communication skills.

  • Strong computer and technology skills.

  • A strong understanding of child development.

  • Strong leadership and conflict resolution skills.

  • Excellent organizational and problem-solving skills.

  • Infant/child CPR and First Aid certification.

  • Must clear full background check.

  • Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education or related field.

About the Company

Learning As We Grow Child Care and Preschool is a family child care center in which children are provided a rich academic environment to thrive and a strong foundation is set as children learn through play. We welcome you and your family! Here is a place where all children thrive. Learning As We Grow is a safe place, where children take small steps to giant leaps.

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