Our exceptional teachers recognize that the process of acquiring knowledge starts right from the moment of birth. They foster this learning process by engaging with babies regularly throughout the day, offering them a diverse array of visually and tactually stimulating objects to explore.
In our Infant Room, teachers utilize various techniques such as storytelling, singing, sensory play, and affectionate hugs to support learning in a warm and nurturing environment.

Infant's Cognitive Development
Our teachers continuously expose the infants to the sounds of our language, whether it's through reading, playing games like peek-a-boo, or singing to them during snuggle time. This exposure is crucial to their cognitive development.
Toys are frequently rotated and sanitized throughout the day to keep our babies engaged and in good health.
Each baby has their own crib and is attended to by the same staff members on a daily basis with a low 4:1 ratio and minimal staff turnover. In our Daycare, our sleeping infants are situated in a separate, quiet, and dim room to ensure a peaceful naptime.
Daily written reports are given to parents, which include information about all meals, diaper changes, and sleep schedules. Moreover, parents can check on their little ones by calling the teachers throughout the day. Moms are also welcome to come and nurse their babies if they're able to leave work.
At Learning As We Grow, we strive to offer the best infant care. Our highly trained staff provides a nurturing and optimal learning environment for your little one.
Parents to bring the following:
breastmilk, formula, and bottles for your child
Child's food (if you prefer your child to only eat specific food)
Diapers and wipes (if you prefer your child use specific diapers and wipes)
Powder and ointments (if your child needs it)
Please label all bottles and other belongings with the following:
Child's First and Last name